[Platforms] Oculus Quest 1 headset
patrick-volograms opened this issue · 6 comments
From reporter:
"We have tested the latest version of the unity package of your Volograms player (0.11.1).
We have the problem of displaying the Volograms player on the Oculus Quest (1 or 2) :
Under the Unity project we can test the Volograms player on the development PC (in the Unity application, in the interface proposed by the development tool): as soon as we install the apk on the Oculus Quest (1 or 2), the volograms player is not displayed anymore."
My colleague is the reporter of this issue. I'm using the latest unity package but I cannot see the vologram when I build on the Quest.
I think the settings of the vologram in the inspector are good.
Based on the documentation, I need to use the ffmpeg-kit to build it properly but I am really not sure if I correctly installed it.
I joined the logs of the apk but I'm fairly new to debugging so I don't know if I'm sending the right information
Thank you
i'm told we have a Quest in the office, so I'll go and fish it out early next week and give it a go
minor update - just need to track down the Quest, i think it's demoing somewhere so i'll track it down when people are back from events. sorry for the hold up
so it turns out we don't have a Quest - we have a Rift. I'm going to borrow a Quest and give it a go anyway, but we .: can't really promise supporting that platform yet.
My intuition is that once we get Android fully supported (currently in progress) it will unblock Android-based devices like this.
I'm going to relabel this issue from bug to a platform support expansion for now, but we might be able to get it running shortly anyway.
Right - managed to borrow a Quest. i'll give this a go next week with our work-in-progress Android builds and see if i can get it running on the Quest, or at the very least create a decent list of issues.
We should, at any rate, have an android-supporting release of this project in the near future.
I didn't get very far with the Quest (my Android abilities are a bit limited) but a more in-the-loop colleague is going to give it a blast when back from holidays next week.