
Adding fn.complete_and_next_item

akai54 opened this issue · 2 comments

When you use the regular cmdline of nvim, when you press Tab it shows you the completion menu + selects the next item at the same time, While right now with the current Fine-CmdLine we have to press the Tab once to show the completion menu then we have to press it again to make it start selecting entries from the completion

So I suggest a new function called fn.complete_and_next_item that would show the menu and directly choose the next item without having to press Tab again.

Behaviour on the menu depends on completeopt. With set completeopt=menu,menuone it should do what you want. Or actually, just removing noselect from the list works fine.

Or actually, just removing noselect from the list works fine.

Indeed that worked, thank you. This issue shall be closed now.