
Connect callers to a conference

tyronent opened this issue · 1 comments

As requested in https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-dotnet/issues/143 this issue has been opened so the missing building block is added for connecting callers to a conference similar to the documentation

Hi @tyronent ,
In order to connect to a conference, you need to set your answer route (Webhooks/answer) to the following ncco :

private string GetConferenceNCCO()
            JArray nccoObj = new JArray();

            dynamic TalkNCCO = new JObject();
            TalkNCCO.action = "talk";
            TalkNCCO.text = "Hi, welcome to this Nexmo conference call.";

            dynamic ConferenceNCCO = new JObject();
            ConferenceNCCO.action = "conversation";
            ConferenceNCCO.name = "room-name";


            return nccoObj.ToString();


We are currently working on adding the missing building blocks to Developer.Nexmo.com. Let me know if you need any further assistance :)