
AI server gets set to "Enabled:False" automatically

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm running AI Tool v2.0.1185 and I've noticed on two occasions that AI Tool changes my DS server status from "Enabled:True" to "Enabled:False" automatically. This seems to happen when docker has an update available and needs to be restarted.

I'm wondering if this is the expected AI Tools behavior? I usually restart docker and then manually change AI Tool's server entry back to "Enabled:True" and everything works again.


I dont think the URL ever truly gets disabled. Eventually it will start being used again.

This is how it works - all these settings can be found in the AITOOL JSON config file if you need to change a default setting:

If the URL fails MaxErrorsInARowBeforeDisable times in a row (default of 60) it will be temporally disabled (The current count is shown in the AI Server edit screen column called "ErrsInRowCount". It doesnt use the "Enabled" column, but rather the "ErrDisabled=true/false" column to indicate it has been disabled for a temporary problem):

After URLResetAfterDisabledMinutes minutes (default of 60) the URL will be re-enabled, the ErrsInRowCount reset and tried again.

If a URL has failed, after URLResetAfterDisabledMinutes it will only attempt to retry every MinSecondsBetweenFailedURLRetry seconds (default of 30)

I don't think I ever set the "Enabled" column in the AI Server Edit screen to disabled - that is only for user control.

That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation - it helps me understand what's happening when this occurs. I'm going to close this now.