
new issue with errors

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey @VorlonCD hope all is well. Not sure why but I am getting hundreds of these errors-
Could not delete file after 30002 ms: C:\Users\baluc\AppData\Local\Temp\ReolinkLSYsd.20211018_114850361.jpg
it seems to bee all the cameras, I have not changed anything, that I can remember. Any clue what might be causing it?

Hi @balucanb - assume you are on version 2.0.1206? If not grab this version and see if it helps: https://github.com/VorlonCD/bi-aidetection/tree/master/src/UI/Installer


  • Clear your temp folder
  • Select "Copy alert images to folder" in the ACTIONS screen, and use a folder that is not your regular TEMP folder.
  • If problems continue, screenshot your ACTIONS screen and the log window showing not ONLY the errors but a few lines before the error.

Thanks. Yes I am on the current version I will give this a try and update you.

Hey my bad- this totally worked. Thanks