
database disk image is malformed [SQLiteException] Mod: InsertHistoryItem(History hist) Line:258:21267195

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I often get this error:
database disk image is malformed [SQLiteException] Mod: InsertHistoryItem(History hist) Line:258:21267195

what does that mean?

Never seen it.

First keep an eye on drive space. Clean out your temp folder once and a while. Low drive space could be causing it.

Restart the machine or just AITOOL once and a while

Does your machine unexpectedly reboot sometimes due to some hardware issue? This could be causing corruption in the database.

Run chkdsk c: /f at a command prompt once and a while (let it reboot to fix)
Close AITOOL and delete \_Settings\Aitool.Database.* files once and a while

In FILE explorer address window, type %TEMP% and press enter. you should see 1000's of files/folders you can delete. Also Start menu > type "Disk Cleanup" should do the same.

If doesnt help, try the other suggestions

deleting the database does not delete the settings. ONLY the history tab contents. But you basically have the same thing in BI anyway.

anything filling the hard drive too much such as temp files could have caused the database corruption