Tool Free Tensioner MOD - STL/CAD differes, STL dimensions are out of spec
hadesfactor617 opened this issue · 2 comments
hadesfactor617 commented
After printing the tool free tensioner, the pulleys would barely fit into the tensioner. After taking measurements of the original voron Z-idler tensioner, I noticed the dimensions where 1mm off. I was going to just edit the CAD until I noticed the CAD is completely different geometry then the STL posted.
Also, the README calls for 4x the hardware for 4 idlers, and to print 4 wheels but says to print only 2 tensioners and 2 brackets. Seems as though there should be 4xbracket and tensioners but also an A/B side
top= stl, bttm=CAD
Blue tensioner=MOD, Black=Orig Voron2.4r2
Not sure if this was designed for the R1 in mind
RainerBetrug commented
newphreak commented
@Chaoticlab: is this something you could answer?