
Cube 2: Sauerbraten custom single player map. Originally intended to result in a full custom campaign but currently halted. Use this project as mapping and scripting reference for Cube 2: Sauerbraten.

MIT LicenseMIT

Original Author: Imo "Vortex Acherontic" Hester
e-mail: vortex@z-ray-entertainment.de
Entertainment Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZRayEntertainment
Lets Play Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5aqLRnZy15vyOoG9SuCgg
website: http://z-ray.de
Blendswap: http://www.blendswap.com/user/VortexAcherontic
Googledrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2jPr5tVLSq1bnQ2R3BEbWFxTVk
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa7GwLxqmpMQxctLimUXyH1wQOcoMDrdq (German)


All used 3d models (except of the default cube 2 models) are made by me, Vortex Acherontic.
The Map is also entirely designd by me, also the sound recordings for NPC voice output.
You're alowed, to use, modify and share all of my content as long as you name me as the original author
in your modification or where else you use the sounds, models, textures.
Also the scripts are compleatly writen by me, you free to use them as well :)

Original textures from: http://textures.com
Music by: Kevin Mach Leod http://incompetech.com
Sound effects: by various authors.

Thank you for reading this and may playing the mod :)

=== Install ===

1) Extract this archive to your Cube 2: Sauerbraten Directory or your Cube 2: Sauerbraten home folder.
2) launch the map by pressing t in game and write  /sp elysium_desert

Linux: /home/<user>/.sauerbraten/
Windows: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\my games\Sauerbraten\

=== Music ===

Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com

Clash Defiant
Tenebrous Brothers Carnival - Act Three
Desert City
One Sly Move
Skye Cuillin
Folk Round
Pippin the Hunchback
Angevin 70
Angevin 120 loop
Heavy Heart
Rynos Theme
Lost Frontier
The Lift hi
Junkyard Tribe
Severe Tire Damage
Lewis and Dekalb
Ready Aim Fire

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

=== 3D Models ===

All 3D modles are made by me.
You free to use, modify and distribute my work as long as you name me as the original author and include a link
to my homepage (https://z-ray.de)

For any other model there is a specific readme.txt within the coresponding folder.

=== Credits ===

Voice Actors: Vortex Acherontic, Geullesia, Suroth
Modelling: Vortex Acherontic
Textures: Vortex Acherontic
Scripts: Vortex Acherontic
Game Design: Vortex Acherontic and the Cube Dev Team

=== Maybe of Interesst ===

Additional Software used to realize this Project:

Blender (http://blender.org) [Models, Animations]
Gimp (http:///gimp.org) [Texture editing]
Audacity (http://audacity.org) [Voice Recording and editing, Music converting]
Crazy Bump (Http://crazybump.com) [Normalmaps, Sepcmaps, Heighmaps]
Audition (http://www.adobe.com/de/products/audition.html) [Voice recording and editing]