Recorder That is responsible on Wave Recording
VotreWaken opened this issue · 0 comments
Implement Recorder That is responsible on Wave Recording, might be responsible for creating WaveIn Headers, their allocation, initialization, and releasing WaveIn headers, creating a stream for recording, opening WaveIn, defining the format, WaveIn device.
Initializing and opening OpenWaveIn and its starting, stopping and closing
Responsible for creating and behaving a stream for WaveIn devices, creating a playback buffer and copying and playing data from this buffer and monitors changes in WaveIn Devices.
Methods that Recorder might contain:
Recorder in the CreateWaveInHeaders method uses the Win32 class for memory allocation and
initializing the buffer, adding WaveIn Headers that will be passed for recording -
Frees allocated memory from WaveIn using the Win32 class -
Starts a stream in which WaveIn will be played -
Opens WaveIn, specifying the format, WaveIn device -
creating a stream for recording, opening WaveIn, defining the format, WaveIn device. -
Ends playback of a recording by closing and deleting the allocated memory -
Closes WaveIn devices by deleting allocated memory -
Checks state flags to determine the state of WaveIn headers -
Responsible for behavior when a thread is running using StartThreadPlayWaveIn, monitors
until the recording is completed, for the allocation of the playback buffer, copying and writing data
to buffer