
Create a scene that loads the 487 vox models from mmmm converted to schematics

acs opened this issue · 11 comments

acs commented

The idea is to work directly in mcthings_scenes. The scene should download all the vox models and load them inside Minecraft.

Not sure if it is a good idea to convert the 487 models to schematic before (with vox2schematic) and load the schematic files. Maybe we can follow both approaches.

acs commented

Let's explore the distribution of creations:

  • vox files
  • schematic files
  • Inside a Minecraft world: Java and Bedrock ideally
acs commented

Ok, mostly working. I need to adjust the positioning to avoid overlaps but the results are promising!

Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-04-23

acs commented

Ok, much better now (I have removed the needed flip, but it has a bug updating the end_position):

Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-10-40
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-09-55
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-09-21
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-08-55

acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-24-13
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-23-16
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-22-26
Screenshot from 2020-07-07 08-21-42

acs commented

Now in rows, easier to travel in them: just 48 rows!

Screenshot from 2020-07-07 19-47-41

acs commented

The final step is to create the empty world with all models loaded!

acs commented

Trying to create a world with all the models:

2020-07-08 06:09:25,722 Number of models: 487 
2020-07-08 06:09:25,723 Creating model alien_bot1.vox
2020-07-08 06:09:25,751 Creating model alien_bot2.vox
2020-07-08 06:09:25,773 Creating model alien_bot3.vox
2020-07-08 06:23:32,206 Creating model veh_car1.vox
2020-07-08 06:23:32,415 Creating model veh_car2.vox

Process finished with exit code 143 (interrupted by signal 15: SIGTERM)

so it seems not all of them were added.

[minecraft-launcher]$ grep "Creating model" /tmp/m | wc -l

Probably we need to add more memory to Minecraft. But no traces.

But taking a look to the results, the models are correctly loaded. Not sure if there are empty models at some points.

For example, we have a hole in this row.

Screenshot from 2020-07-08 06-33-26

In any case, as a demo, the results are good enough. Some points to improve:

  • Add more space between rows
acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-07-08 06-35-48

The last row:

Screenshot from 2020-07-08 06-39-11

acs commented

Ok, let's save the world.

[saves]$ du -sh vox/
74M	vox/
[saves]$ zip -r vox.zip vox/
[saves]$ du -sh vox.zip 
5.3M	vox.zip
[saves]$ mv vox.zip vox-world.zip

Great. It is created using 1.12.2 so it is easily imported in newer version. And it can also be converted to Bedrock.

acs commented

Next step is to deploy it in a server to test it.