Explorer Blender <-> Schematics <-> Minecraft
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MC -> Blender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvn55j8VxOM Mineways, https://github.com/scribblemaniac/MCEdit2Blender, https://sites.google.com/site/mineblend/
Blender -> MC: binvox, https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Programs_and_editors/3D_exporters,
Ok, I have now Zanabot exported to Wavefront OBJ file. Time to convert it to a Schematic.
First step: install binvox.
Just download the executable. It is free to download and use, but no source code (it is not Open Source).
[Blender]$ binvox -t schematic zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj
writing 16777216 voxels
-rw-rw-r--. 1 adelcastillo adelcastillo 74401 May 16 05:01 zanabot_antesDeAnimar.schematic
Let's try to load it! (but 16 millions of blocks is too much!) We need to find a way to "lower the resolution".
Much better with:
[Blender]$ binvox -fit -down -down zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj
width 64, height 31, depth 37
writing 73408 voxels
and also with:
[Blender]$ binvox -fit -down zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj -t schematic
width 128, height 62, depth 73
writing 579328 voxels
Guau, here we go! Probably there is a way to rotate it, and let's use an "orange" block for it!
To go from schematic to obj:
https://github.com/jmc2obj/j-mc-2-obj -> the more promising one but it is only for worlds
https://www.instructables.com/id/3d-Print-Youre-Minecraft-World/ -> hits one I have read it in the past. With Mineway you can export to OBJ regions of a world, but a schematic also? It seems so: http://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/mineways.html#openworld
So with the support in McThings of Schematics we can in and out with the 3D outside world. The possibilities are growing!