
Explorer Blender <-> Schematics <-> Minecraft

Closed this issue · 14 comments

acs commented

Ok, I have now Zanabot exported to Wavefront OBJ file. Time to convert it to a Schematic.

First step: install binvox.


Just download the executable. It is free to download and use, but no source code (it is not Open Source).

[Blender]$ binvox -t schematic zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj
  writing 16777216 voxels
-rw-rw-r--. 1 adelcastillo adelcastillo   74401 May 16 05:01 zanabot_antesDeAnimar.schematic

Let's try to load it! (but 16 millions of blocks is too much!) We need to find a way to "lower the resolution".

Much better with:

[Blender]$ binvox -fit -down -down zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj
  width 64, height 31, depth 37
  writing 73408 voxels

and also with:

[Blender]$ binvox -fit -down zanabot_antesDeAnimar.obj -t schematic
  width 128, height 62, depth 73
  writing 579328 voxels
acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 05-25-13

acs commented

Guau, here we go! Probably there is a way to rotate it, and let's use an "orange" block for it!

acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 05-36-29

[Blender]$ binvox -fit -down -down -down -rotz zanabot.obj -t schematic

-rotz did the magic :) (z in 3d is y in MC)

acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 06-06-01

acs commented

To go from schematic to obj:


https://github.com/jmc2obj/j-mc-2-obj -> the more promising one but it is only for worlds

https://www.instructables.com/id/3d-Print-Youre-Minecraft-World/ -> hits one I have read it in the past. With Mineway you can export to OBJ regions of a world, but a schematic also? It seems so: http://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/mineways.html#openworld

acs commented

Ok, with mineways I have imported thne pyramid schematic, exported to a OBJ and imported it in Blender. And it works in some sense :)

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 06-35-05

I need to learn more to check if we can fix the issue with the block that appears merged with our pyramid. The problem probably is because it is hollow.

acs commented

The pirate boat is perfect!

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 06-42-00

acs commented

And the chateau fairmont:

Screenshot from 2020-05-16 06-48-14

acs commented

Howto do it? Just open mineways with wine, open the schematic, select the region with the schematic (using the right now for defining the region) and export to render. That's all!


acs commented

So with the support in McThings of Schematics we can in and out with the 3D outside world. The possibilities are growing!

acs commented

Screenshot from 2020-05-18 08-17-16