My curated list of projects using bevy in production, preferably with a company or a business model in mind.
- algrymKnoxville, TN
- astrolemonade
- CaioLCSão Paulo - Brazil
- chillmelonPulongTemple
- Ctulu82KB Data Systems
- d-bucurcountry = f(time)
- DylanCkawalecInvo Technologies
- errorstrike
- evan-stromatiasBerlin, Germany
- flakelolz
- gabriel-gheorghe
- iadrich
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- KimPaivarinneSelf employed
- knutwalker@neo4j
- kujeger
- LeinnanBydgoszcz
- martinvdiptiQ
- mobergmannBergmann & Illi Osna Byte GbR
- muhukİzmir
- musjj
- normanbrobinsonEast Coast, USA
- SergioRibera@RustLangES
- sploFreelance
- spooky-th-ghost
- TarnadasOrderly Network
- tbillingtonEucalyptus
- wilk10Pressing Thumbs Games
- xieren5833ieg.com