Magical replacement of Components
eric-burel opened this issue · 3 comments
Dream goal
Goal is to replace the dynamic Component replacing pattern by explicit exports that would "magically" replace components.
Imagine a component structured like this:
// datatable.js
const DatatableHeader = () => (<header>default header</header>)
const DatatableFooter = () => (<footer>default footer</footerr>)
const DatatableContent = ({children}) => (
<DatableaHeader />
<DatatableFooter />
const Datatable = () => (
<DatatableContent />
You may want to replace the Header, and the Content with your own components:
// my-overrides.js, a special file that contains my Vulcan components override. Could be detected at build time.
export * from "vulcan/ui-react" // magically imports DatatableFooter, DatatableHeader, DatatableContent and Datatable
export const DatatableHeader = () => (<header> I AM OVERRIDEN </header>) // first override
export const DatatableContent = () => (<div><DatatableHeader/> <div> Hello </div> <DatatableFooter /></div> // second override
Then you consume them like this, business as usual:
// my-page.js
import { Datatable } from "vulcan/ui-react" // import default components + my custom override
export const MyPage = () => (<Datatable>Hello!</Datatable>) // DatatableContent has magically been replaced in Datatable
It's probably undoable with Meteor, but it could prove doable with Webpack.
The tricky part is that you want to override only certain component, that are themselves nested into other replaceable component. You get a kind of recursive/circular import issue.
What's doable today
This pattern is already implementable with one level of imports like this:
// my-ui.js
export * from "vulcan/react"
export const DatatableHeader = () => (...) // will reexport, overriding default DatatableHeader from "vulcan/react"
but it's not enough to handle more deeply nested component replacement, for complex components like DataTable or SmartForm that have multiple layers of replaceable component.
Possible implementation
Step 1: detecting "magic" replacement
First step is defining a syntax for magic components.
Prefixing components, eg
: can be detected component by component but it's not very clean -
"Magic import syntax", eg
import { ComponentToReplace } from "vulcan/magic-component"
/export * from "vulcan/magic-components"
: detect that we want to import "magic components" or override them -
a special file name for files that exports component override
explicitely declaring dependencies between components eg
export { component: Datatable, dependsOnMagic: ["DatatableContents"] }
Step 2: build
The difficulty is to handle deeply nested replaceable component.
is defined with default components- We detect that
is overridden by user - We rebuild
with overriddenDatatableFooter
export - We rebuild
, which depends onDatatableContents
which contains an overridden export.
The build would probably look like a recursive structure or a tree, where we rebuild everything until all nested components are replaced by user's overrides.
Any brain familiar with Webpack welcome. We could also tag those component with a specific syntax to allow static analysis, like naming them <@Datatable>
for example
A first iteration could be dropping "Components" population at runtime and replace it by an additional build step #2406
This way "Components.DatatableHeader" could be defined correctly (and maybe overridden) before the app would even start.
Now tracked on VulcanJS/vulcan-npm#17