
Not enough space on PFC200 G2

LuckyLukeCH opened this issue · 2 comments


We tried to install the Docker on PFC200 G2.

Here is the log:
Feb 26 03:09:36 PFC200V3-4F5C9C activate_download [2155] [Error]: [by shell command] (/usr/bin/opkg install /var/downloads/update-script/docker_20.10.5_armhf.ipk)
Feb 26 03:10:52 PFC200V3-4F5C9C activate_download [2232] [Error]: [internal error] (path /var/downloads/update-script/ is empty)

It is a fresh V16 installation.
It seems, that the space on the internal flash is not enough:

df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 126.7M 109.9M 10.0M 92% /
devtmpfs 245.9M 4.0K 245.9M 0% /dev
none 246.4M 16.0K 246.4M 0% /tmp
none 246.4M 0 246.4M 0% /media
none 4.0M 172.0K 3.8M 4% /var/log
none 246.4M 148.0K 246.2M 0% /var/run
none 246.4M 0 246.4M 0% /var/lock
none 246.4M 0 246.4M 0% /var/tmp
none 246.4M 0 246.4M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 246.4M 116.0K 246.3M 0% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p1 16.0M 2.7M 13.2M 17% /boot/loader

Thank you for your help and regards,
Lukas Gaam

Just realized, that the system booted from the SD-Card.
After normal booting the installation worked.

Lukas Gaam

Hello, please take care, such support questions should be placed to Wago Support Hotline. On Github we only support the posted stuff. THX.