
Secure Flag is not set on the Liberty WASOIDCCode Cookie

Closed this issue · 2 comments

We got a low security finding during our application's pentest where it was pointed out that WasOICDCode along with other cookies set by OpenIDconnect does not have secure flag set.

On searching i found that there was an issue for WASOidcCode cookie and it is fixed in liberty 17.*
as mentioned in the below link

We tried to set httpsRequired flag but even with that cookie's secure flag was not set.

server.xml and snapshot of cookies attahced.


Note that in the above screenshot, the cookie is being cleared (by setting expires to 1994). It's not necessary to use the secure flag when clearing a cookie. I tested on 19006 and when the cookie is set, the secure flag is used.

The only cookie that I could spot being set without the secure flag is the was_p(nnnnn) cookie, that one is set by the oidc server and can be flipped to secure by adding <webAppSecurity ssoRequiresSSL="true"/> to server.xml of the server.

@brutif Thanks for the explanation and setting. I verified and it is working as expected.
Closing the task.