
Make serviceQuery an optional dependency

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Service Query should not be required for basic functionality. Is required for functionality that depends on Liberty.

This is going to be fixed w/ Issue #41. We need to add a state to the EndpointProvider (? serverless or something) that will let the endpoint provider operate endpoint to endpoint and disable any other features that are not supported w/out a server. This should be configurable and offer a way to FORCE using the server so that when it is unavailable we throw an error.

This needs to support setting iceServers on the client side.

The above fix adds the variable and let's the 'init' fail if the server does not respond to the service Query (if requreRtcommServer is true, which is the default). There is more work to be done here... We still need to:

When there is not an RtcommServer, we need to offer ability to route directly to other people, either via presence, or via an inferred topic.