
French translation po file availlable

Opened this issue · 5 comments

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Not realy a problem... But the plugin may be dificult to use by french people who do not speak a word of english :)

Describe the solution you'd like
You could add a translation file in french if you got one ? I'm not a translator so my translation may not be perfect... Anyway you can find it here if you're interested : https://sebastien-meric.com/files2download/woocommerce-local-pickup-time-fr_FR.po

@smeric excellent thanks for that. I have a backlog of responses and that was going to be my suggestion. I'd like to get away from managing translations with the code base.

@smeric I'm seeing a concerning translation here: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce-local-pickup-time-select/stable/fr/default/?filters%5Bwarnings%5D=yes It would seem you replaced the title of Pickup Time with a long sentence. There may be a need to adjust the code to accommodate the single place where this translation is desired.

@timnolte well, this one is not so easy as french may be much most verbose than english to say even simple things... I just reduced it a lot but, as I said, I'm not a translator so I'm not sure it's the best translation... anyway it's at least perfectly understandable and better than none at all ;)


I've just validated and fixed (take care about ’ instead of ') all pending translations. Plugin is now 100% translated in french.

Thank you