Known bugs

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using the long paddle on boss mode make you invincible (Forgot to give it the Paddle tag)
if the ball collides with Khaled's projectiles it will freeze forcing you to restart (I fixed this but didn't upload the updated version on accident)
If you bomb Khaled at the perfect time he will be 1 shotted. This is more of a unity collision issue than a bug.

Also you cannot use long paddle or big ball on rotate mode, this is intentional and not a bug.
The ball sliding across the floor if you don't hit it is also intentional but it will force you to restart on peaceful and boss mode.

The game music continuing into the win/lose screen is also intentional because I thought it was funny.

Being able to play the game music in the menu via pause button is a bug. (Unpause button allows you to start the music despite not even being in game. I would have fixed this but it doesn't affect the gameplay)

The boss will sometimes get damaged multiple times in 1 shot, this is another unity collision issue. Whenever Khaled gets hit he will disappear and a new Khaled will replace him, if the ball goes fast enough or hits the right spot it will hit both the first Khaled (The one it's supposed to hit) and the next Khaled. Potential fix: Make the box collider get slightly smaller every phase so the ball can't collide with the second one.