
Kontext >>> ChrisCy#0001

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We waste too much time on Social Media, scrolling through endless ads and irrelevant content. And this is not our fault, but Twitter/Facebook/Weibo intentionally optimize their feed to keep us scrolling and clicking ads - as their revenue comes from our attention. This business model not only wastes our time, but also limits the personalization of feeds themselves - as Facebook, Twitter and Weibo would never share their user data to improve algorithms.


Web3 finally allows us to build superior personalization, by 1) hosting a shared data layer and 2) implementing reward mechanisms.

Kontext implements this vision by improving Crypto News - presenting users the most relevant news per day, in a matter of minutes.

  1. Kontext uses Ceramic to verify user's identity, and store data in a common format.
  2. Kontext rewards users for sharing their data.


While Kontext version 1.0 is a news aggregator, we imagine the future Kontext to be a self-sovereign social stream — With user’s data directly improving their product experience, while allowing them to retain full ownership and control over their data. Bringing us closer to a fully user-owned internet — the web3.

Our team has launched NFT and DeFi projects for profit and charity since 2017.

Chris, Product, Design, Frontend. ChrisCy#0001
L3na, Product. BxL3na#1992
Bol, Full-stack. Bol#2036
Mochi, NFT artist. ! mochi.li#0420

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