
Void Traders (103)

cagatayldzz opened this issue · 3 comments

List of edits and additions

/Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Game/Projections/T4VoidProjectionMagNovaVaultBBronze -> Axi A5 Relic
/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Skins/Armor/GrineerTurbines/WraithTurbinesLegArmor -> Harkonar Wraith Leg Armor
/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Skins/SummerSolstice/SummerSolsticeTwinGrakatas -> Twin Grakatas Towsun Skin
/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Skins/Scarves/PrismaRazorScarf -> Prisma Uru Syandana
/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Skins/VoidTrader/BaroArrow -> Ki'Teer Arrow Skin
/Lotus/StoreItems/Types/StoreItems/AvatarImages/ImageBaroKiteer -> Baro Ki'Teer Glyph

Ki'Teer has a capital T

my english is bad, I'm sorry
can you handle the appropriate ones?

  • twin grakatas towsun are already in there
  • baro arrow already present
  • glyph already present

the rest will be in the next push and release