
A plugin to easily publish note to github using a frontmatter state entry

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Obsidian Github Publisher

FR 🇫🇷

GitHub Publisher is a plugin that help you to send file in a configured GitHub Repository, based on a frontmatter sharing key.

You can use it to send any markdown file, allowing compatibility thought a lot of Obsidian Publish alternative (like Mkdocs, Jekyll, Hugo or any solution that use Markdown files).

When a shared file is found, it will be sent in a new branch named by your_vault_name-month-day-year. A pull request followed by a merge will be done, and if everything is okay, the branch will be deleted after the merge. Thus, you can easily revert commit, and create workflow based on PR, merged PR, specific push...

What the plugin ...

Do ?

  • Read the frontmatter to check the value of a configured share key.
  • Send the file (and their embedded image or notes if any) to a GitHub repository

But the plugin can do a lot more !

  • Convert wikilinks to markdown links (without changing your file)
  • Activate a GitHub action that have a workflow_dispatche event.
  • Convert internal's links to match the configuration
  • Clean your repo with removing deleted and unshared files
  • Rename folder note with same name strategies with index.md (+ respecting the folder settings)
  • Send a link's note in your clipboard after sharing.
  • Convert simple dataview query in markdown !
  • ✨ Replace text using regex expression (or a simple string...)!
  • ✨ Send your inlines tags to your frontmatter (in the tags key) and convert some field value to tags

Doesn't do ?

  • Using a local folder instead of a Github Repository (see local folder)
  • Synchronize a GitHub repository with your vault (See Obsidian Git / Obsidian Git Mobile)
  • Do a coffee 🍵
  • Bring back the loved one (the dead one)


To use the plugin, you need to fill the correct information to allow the workflow.

Configuration example

You will find here configuration example for some Obsidian Publish alternative, as Obsidian Mkdocs Publisher and @TuanManhCao Digital Garden.

[!note] Adding configuration You can send me or do a pullrequest to add new configuration for any Obsidian free publish alternative.


  • Repo name: The repository where the files will be sent.
  • GitHub username: Your username.
  • GitHub Token: Get your GitHub Token here1. The correct settings should already be applied. If you want to avoid generating this every few months, select the “No expiration” option. Click the “Generate token” button, and copy the token you are presented with on the next page.

Upload configuration

Folder reception settings.

You have tree options :

  • Use a “fixed” folder : Every file will be sent in this folder.
  • Use a folder created based on a category key.
  • Use the relative path from obsidian. You can prepend a folder using the default folder.

You need, in all case, to configure the default folder : The file will be sent here.

If you use the option for frontmatter, this folder will be the default folder : the file will be sent here if the key doesn't exist.

Metadata frontmatter

Using the second option will activate two more options :

  • Front matter key: The key you want to use in your file.
  • Root folder : To prepend a path before the category key found (if any key are found!)

[!EXAMPLE] Example

  • You use category in a file with category: Roleplay/Characters/DND
  • You set a root folder with _docs/pages
  • And you set a default folder on _docs/draft

The final path (in GitHub!) will be : _docs/pages/Roleplay/Characters/DND

But, if you don't set category, the path will be _docs/draft

Fixed folder

Every file will be sent in the default folder. If you leave the default folder blank, it will be sent in the root of the repository.

[!example] Example

  • If you set source for the default folder, any file will be sent in your_repo/source, whatever is their frontmatter key or their relative path.
  • If you leave it blank, it will be sent in your_repo directly.

Obsidian Path

It uses the relative path in your Obsidian vault. The default folder will be prepended before the relative obsidian path. You can leave it blank to use the root repository.

[!example] Example For a file in 20. Compendium/DND/Monster

  • If you set source : the final path will be source/20. Compendium/DND/Monster
  • If you leave the default folder blank, the final path will be 20. Compendium/DND/Monster

The path removing allow you to remove part of the path created, to, for example, sync subfolder. If the removed path is not found, the normal behavior apply.

[!example] Sync subfolder You can using this option to designate a subfolder as the "vault" for syncing the repository. You could plug in vault/sub as the path removed. The sync will flow vault/sub as repo. A file in vault/sub/folderA will be sync in repo/folderA

Frontmatter title

You can change the filename with the title frontmatter key.

[!example] Example title: My title filename : 28-03-2020-1845.md Final filename : My title.md

Content's conversion

[!note] These settings won't change your file's content in your vault


For some reason, you can need to convert text in your file. Here you can configure to :

  • Use "hard break line" of the markdown specification, aka adding two space at the end of each line.
  • Convert dataview queries to markdown. If this option is disabled, dataview queries will be removed entirely in the converted file.
  • Text replacement : you can replace text by another one in the converted file, using a simple string or regex.
    • The given text is insensitive to case.
    • The replacement can be empty to remove the whole string.


This part allows pulling some contents to add them into your frontmatter tags field.

  • Inline Tags: Add your inlines tags into your frontmatter and convert nested tags with replacing the / to _ (for example, #tag/subtag will be converted to tag_subtag), also, consequently, fix your frontmatter as YAML standard.
  • Convert frontmatter/inline field into tags : This will convert the value associated to preconfigured field into frontmatter tags. You can also prevent some value to be converted with the second field. Note: If the value is a link, the converted value will be the filename or the displayed name. You can either exclude the filename or the displayed name.


Index & folder note

Some publishing solution support folder note, but these note need to be named index. In case you use Folder Note with the same name strategies you will have a problem, no? By chance, I have a solution for you, guys! Now, the plugin will convert these file into index if you activate the settings. Here some examples of renaming, using the different parameters from the default folder. Note : This option doesn't work for Obsidian Path + Same name strategies outside of folder.

[!example] frontmatter example with a file named folder2

  • Using a category value : folder1/folder2
  • With root value named docsdocs/folder1/folder2/index.md
  • Without root : folder1/folder2/index.md
  • Without category value, with default folder named drafts : draft/folder2.md (the name won't be converted!)

[!example] Example with Obsidian Path & a file named folder2 With a path like : folder1/folder2 the new path will be :

  • If you use a default folder named docs : docs/folder1/folder2/index.md
  • Without : folder1/folder2/index.md

[!warning] This option doesn't work with fixed folder.

Internal links

This option will convert the internal links (including image links!) of the shared file to match the relative file in your repo. Only existant and shared file will be converted.

[!example] Cited file : docs/XX/YY/my_file.md File to convert : docs/XX/ZZ/new_file.md Path created : ../YY/my_file.md

Wikilinks to markdown link

In case you use wikilinks as daily but your obsidian publish solution doesn't support it, you can use this settings to convert the wiki to md link.


You can choose to send embeded files :

  • Images : The image will be copied in the repository in an optionnaly settled folder.
  • Notes : Only shared files will be copied in the repository, in their respected folder (following your settings).

Github Workflow

If you workflow must activate a GitHub action, set the name of it here. Leave empty to remove it.

[!note] The action will be triggered by a workflow_dispatche event.

Auto clean-up

You can also set up an "auto-delete" when you use the commands to delete files:

  • Deleted from your vault
  • Which you have stopped sharing

This option will also add a new command to delete file (without sharing new file).

[!warning] Warning2 You can't use the delete command if you don't have set a default folder (and a root folder if you use the YAML configuration) Also, you can lost some files using this commands, so be careful! Don't forget that you can revert commit in case the plugin delete a file you don't want to delete.

[!warning] Changing the option In case you change the folder configuration, the precedent file won't be deleted and result of a error of this workflow's part. Be careful!

You can set the path of the folder you want to avoid deleting the file. Separate folders a comma.

[!note] Regex are not supported here!

Finally, to prevent deleting index created outside of obsidian, you could use some parameters in your front matter :

  • autoclean: false
  • index: true Or removing the share key.

Plugin settings

You can configure :

  • The share key used by the plugin. By default, it is share
  • Folder excluded. The share key can't work here. Useful if you forget to remove the share (or turn it to false) and move a file in your archive…
  • Add the command to share the file on the file menu (right-click on a file in the explorer or using the three dot) and editor menu (right-click on an opened edited note)
  • Added the link's shared note in your clipboard after sharing. You can configure the path created here, with removing some part. As it supports multiple part, you can separate the part using comma. For example, you can remove docs and the extension using : docs/, .md

[!note] The right-click menu command can also send the file under your cursor if it's a link!



You can help me to develop the plugin using npm !

  1. First clone the project on your computer with git clone git@github.com:obsidianPublisher/obsidian-github-publisher.git
  2. cd obsidian-github-publisher
  3. npm install
  4. Enjoy!

Some notes:

  • I use Conventional Commit to generate the commit message, so please respect the format!
  • To forget to documents your function!


Using i18n, you can translate the plugin.

To add a new language :

  • Clone the i18n/locales/en-us.ts and rename it to your langage.
  • Get your locale language from Obsidian using obsidian translation or using the commands (in templater for example) : <% tp.obsidian.moment.locale() %>
  • Translate the file and save it.
  • In i18n/index.ts :
    • Import the new file as import language from '.locales/language'
    • add the new language in the localeMap json object: { "language": language }
  • Additionnaly, you can test if your translation is okay.
  • Create a PR to add your translation!

Useful links

If you find this plugin and workflow useful, you can give me some coffee money :
Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com


  1. Obviously, you need to be connected and have a GitHub account to create this token!

  2. Only file supported by Obsidian will be deleted.