
[Suggestion] isTaskPending

Jamesernator opened this issue · 1 comments

From other proposals we have isFramePending and isInputPending however it would also be useful to have a more general isTaskPending which returns true if any task of higher priority is scheduled to run. This would also include tasks created by the browser, i.e. isInputPending() and isFramePending() would both imply isTaskPending().

The usage would be similar to is{Input,Frame}Pending:

await scheduler.postTask(async function createNoiseTexture() {
    const texture = new Texture(1000, 1000);
    for (let x = 0; i < texture.width; x += 1) {
       for (let y = 0; i < texture.height; x += 1) {
           // Allow any higher priority tasks to run, or frame tasks
           // or input tasks as well (and possibly other browser tasks as well)
           if (scheduler.isTaskPending("background")) {
               await scheduler.yield("background");
           texture.setPixel(x, y, generateNoiseRGB());
}, { priority: "background" });