record and share the accepted code of problems of OnlineJudge
This is a repo used to record and share my accepted code of problems of different Online Judge. You can review the accepted code here when you struck at some problems. You are welcome to issue the bugs in my programs, I am very appreciated about that.
The filename are composited by letters and numbers. letters indicate the OJ and numbers mean problem number. e.g. POJ1001 mean the problem number is 1001 and come from Peking University Online Judge.
warning: if there is a ''_'' at the first of filename, it may mean it is a unsolved problems!
POJ = Peking University Online Judge
ZOJ = Zhejiang University Online Judge
HDU = Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge
luogu = Luogu Online Judge
bzoj = Big Zoom Online Judge
VIJ = Velocious Informatics Judge Online