
Support for collections

hashitha opened this issue · 3 comments

Are collections supported?

Something like this

 [Title("Add new dynamic form")]
    [Action("add", "Add")]
    public class DynamicFormDialog
        [Field(Name = "Sites")]
        public List<string> SitesList { get; set; }

        [Field(Name = "Form name")]
        public string FormName { get; set; }

        public DynamicFormDialog()
            SitesList = new List<string>();
            SitesList.Add("Site 1");
            SitesList.Add("Site 2");

cc @redbaty

It turns out that implementing collections is much harder than it initially seems. Some problems that we needed to consider when allowing crud were:

  • Tracking list count and item addition, removal, insertion - without ObservableCollection it's much harder.
  • Transactional updates - you can "commit" an item once you hit the add/save button, but the fields update as you type, thus you need a transaction mechanism.
  • Display style - how to display items? how to insert new items? This can depend on preference and data type.

There is a separate library for collections. I haven't touched anything there in a while so I'm not sure what state it's in.

I think for collections of primitives (string, int, date, etc) it would be easier to implement inline stacking of inputs, but for List<ComplexType> it becomes a nightmare full of edge cases.

I will try if I can do something for List<Primitive> from the main library, because it's super useful to have.

I am only looking for a very simple way to populate the combo box using a string like List<string>. The items in this list won't be changed after constructing it. Basically, needs to load some values from a database for selection which is only done once at the object creation.

Would this help you?

[SelectFrom("{ContextBinding MySites}")] // get from viewmodel
public string SelectedSiteFromContext { get; set; }

[SelectFrom("{Binding MySites}")] // get from model
public string SelectedSiteFromModel { get; set; }

public List<string> MySites { get; set; } = new List<string> { "one", "two", "three" }