
In Demo Examples opening a window dialog causes exception

Mrxx99 opened this issue · 3 comments

When clicking a button to show a dialog window I get an exception that MahApps.Metro or one of it's dependencies was not found (HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference).

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start Demo Application
  • Go to Examples
  • Go To Dialogs
  • Under "Windows" click any of the buttons.

Hi @Mrxx99, thanks for the report.

I am aware of that. It's because of version mismatches in Mahapps.Metro. I'm unable to update the Material.Application framework because I don't have publish rights to the NuGet package. I will try to gain access and hopefully it will be resolved (cc @redbaty). However, this should not be a problem for apps outside of the demo.

It has always been a pain dealing with these dependencies. Best solution to this is getting rid of them and moving them to separate packages, thus leaving the base clean. Any other suggestions are welcome.

It has always been a pain dealing with these dependencies. Best solution to this is getting rid of them and moving them to separate packages, thus leaving the base clean. Any other suggestions are welcome.

The newly added PackageReference (since csproj 2017) is actually getting pretty good at resolving these type of stuff!

Anyway I'll update dependencies on the Forge.Application package soon (Prob tonight)

@redbaty please do so if you can. The demo still references Material.Application, so an easy fix would be updating that; otherwise we should migrate to Forge.Application. Thanks!