
Form not building multiple columns

diegosiao opened this issue · 6 comments

According the documentation this code below should render 2 inputs side by side.. that is not happening...

[Field(Row = "Registration", Column = 1)]
public DateTime? Date1 { get; set; }

[Field(Row = "Registration", Column = 2)]
public DateTime? Date2 { get; set; }

They are not rendered at all...

Hi @diegosiao! Maybe you need to define the grid first for your form like in this example https://github.com/WPF-Forge/Forge.Forms/blob/master/Forge.Forms/src/Forge.Forms.Demo/Models/DataTypes.cs#L7

Could you please test if this fixes your problem?

I think you may be using default WPF theme, which does not appear to offer a control for DateTime. The solution would be implementing a theme for it, or using Metro/Material.

Hi @edongashi! Worked like a charm! Thanks!

Can I ask you if I can find in examples something using a select with dynamic options?

I found the following examples related to selection:

You can open the demo app to interact with them and also see the source code of those you need.

Thanks once again @edongashi!
I am delivering an app 10x faster because of this awesome library!
Closing the issue...

Happy to hear that! Hopefully in the future we can rework it so people aren't forced to use themes if they don't want to.