Stops not showing in table or map
brodyFlannigan opened this issue · 4 comments
Operating system
Windows x64
GTFS-Manager 3.4.3
Python version
Running on Miniconda
Problem description
When I open the "Stops" tab of the GTFS-Manager, no stops appear in the table. When I add a stop, after clicking the "Add to list" button, nothing happens in the table.
However, the stops seem to get created, but there is no way to save the database as the button to do so in the stops table is not available (it seems it hasn't detected any changes to the table to save)
Console / terminal output if any
tableReadSave GET call for table=stops
readTableDB: Loaded stops, 420 records
tableReadSave GET call for table=stops took 0.04 seconds.
Note that I was able to import GTFS flawlessly, hence the 420 stops...
Expected Action
I should be able to view the stops in the list and on the map.
Details of data you are working with, if relevant
Q: Is there anything peculiar about the data you are working with, which may be causing the issue? Any extra files in the feed? Extra columns? Any mandatory columns/fields omitted?
A: In the imported GTFS, yes, but nothing in stops. Feed passes validation with no warnings except for fast travel. I was also having this issue when experimenting with creating a feed from scratch.
Q: What is the size of the dataset : how many lines in stops.txt, routes.txt and stop_times.txt?
A: Current dataset: 420 stops, 10 routes and 2315 stop_times
Q: Are you starting a new feed from scratch and haven't filled in any of the other files like calendar.txt?
A: Yes, I tried creating stops only after creating an agency. I then imported existing GTFS, problem persists.
Anything else
Hi @dudebrains01 , I'm suspecting columns misnaming in the imported data. Can you check your all the headers in your stops.txt and verify that they're the right spelling, all lowercase etc with no extra tabs/spaces in them? Also, verify that they're in CSV form (comma separated values).
GTFS static reference documentation:
Can you share the header and one sample line from each of your gtfs files?
If the console is giving "readTableDB: Loaded stops, 420 records" >> then on the stops page, left side table, are you seeing anything - even blank rows? Or is the table also showing zero rows loaded? There should be a totals footer at bottom.
Note that I'm a bit parched on time at my end and may not be able to respond immediately.
The GTFS data is valid and all the columns are present (passes Google and Conveyal validators with unrelated warnings.
The stops page shows no totals at all.
Well, then there's nothing I or anyone else can do from here. At the very minimum a problem should be replicable by another party to have any chance at all of resolution. And that requires proper sample data for inputting. On my end the stops load fine so your problem is presently not replicable and thus not actionable. Stackoverflow may be a better forum for your issue; this space is for actual problems with the original code itself which affect everybody and which the project can benefit from fixing. There's plenty of other users for whom things have been working fine.
Anyways, one more shot in the dark: Press F12 when you load the stops page to load up your browser console. There may be javascript errors reported in the console tab. Backend seems to be doing its job from your terminal outputs - frontend may be having some problem.