
install_local error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I try to install this offline, using install_local(''), I get the error 'Could not resolve host:'. Of course this happens because there is no internet connection, but is there any way to circumvent this?

There are quite a few ways to do this.

  1. Install a binary version of the package from our

    If you are on Windows or Mac run

    install.packages("RadialMR", repos = c("", ""))

    If you are on Ubuntu Linux follow the instructions here (changing the package name).

  2. Download the binary package from then install locally.

    E.g. on an Apple Silicon Mac the binary version is at download that then run

    # setwd() to directory where .tgz file is saved
    download.file('', destfile = 'RadialMR_1.1.tgz')
    install.packages('RadialMR_1.1.tgz', repos = NULL)

    You can find the URLs for Windows etc by going to and hovering over the links for the .zip/.tgz/.tar.gz files (URL shown at bottom of page or right click and Copy Link Address).


  3. Create the binary package locally then install

    Fork this repo then clone it down to your machine - or simply download the repo as a zip file and extract as you seem to have already done.

    Open the directory containing the repo and double click the RadialMR.Rproj file - it will open in RStudio Desktop as an RStudio project.

    In the R console in RStudio run


    Then there are several ways to create the binary package - the easiest being to go to the Build pane, click More, click Build Binary Package.


    You'll see the compressed archive saved in the directory above the RadialMR directory.

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 18 47 01

    Then use install.packages('../RadialMR_1.1.tgz', repos = NULL) to install.

Hope this helps.

Closing as answer provided.