
Python versioning with PyPI requirements.txt syntax

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python versioning with requirements.txt syntax

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iscompatible gives you the power of the pip requirements.txt syntax for everyday python packages, modules, classes or arbitrary functions. Supports Python 2.6-2.7 and Python 3.2-3.3, licensed under MIT.


iscompatible can be found via PyPI.

$ pip install iscompatible


The module contains a single function called iscompatible.

>>> from iscompatible import iscompatible
>>> iscompatible("foo>=5", (5, 6, 1))
>>> iscompatible("foo>=5.6.1, <5.7", (5, 0, 0))
>>> MyPlugin = type("MyPlugin", (), {'version': (5, 6, 1)})
>>> iscompatible("foo==5.6.1", MyPlugin.version)


The requirements.txt syntax allows you to specify inexact matches between a set of requirements and a version. For example, let's assume that the single package foo-5.6.1 exists on disk. The following requirements are all compatible with foo-5.6.1.

Requirement Description
foo any version of foo
foo>=5 any version of foo, above or equal to 5
foo>=5.6 any version of foo, above or equal to 5.6
foo==5.6.1 exact match
foo>5 foo-5 or greater, including minor and patch
foo>5, <5.7 foo-5 or greater, but less than foo-5.7
foo>0, <5.7 any foo version less than foo-5.7