
Add Dynamic Trees Acorn Support

WrongWeekend opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently the Dynamic Trees oak and dark oak acorns cannot be used in place of the VFP acorns in recipes. A simple CT script can change this but I think it makes sense to have them work without CT.

If you're trying to integrate unrelated mods, the CT script is better imo. Dynamic Trees seeds aren't being registered under any ore keys that I can find so interoperability would require me to put a hard link. [Correction: they register the seed under 'treeSapling' looks like.] The VFP acorn items are registered under "seedOakAcorn" in the ore dict. I'll make sure the VFP recipes use that key id if possible, but you'll have to do the integration with other mods or reach out to those mod authors.

Check the 4.2.1 version; it should work better with Dynamic Trees. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/vanillafoodpantry-mod/files/2573538