Support For Topaz AI
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Hello again,
In tinkering with your app I found that no AI could compare to the one that I already had, Topaz Photo AI.
This is probably unnecessary for you to add but if it doesn't look like too much work, an official solution would be cool.
Can you make the name TPAI? Also if you need a picture for the chain slot I can make one!
The command I use is: tpai.exe -o "outputfolder" "input file or folder" (inputting by file in parallel seems to be fastest for this program)
No extra args are needed as the rest of the settings are inside of the app, so no extra settings are necessary on your end.
Here is the tpai.exe --help screen if anything does look like something you want to add as an option.
I also included a game asset I upscaled with Topaz at bottom if you were curious about the quality and my use case.
Thank you!
--output, -o: Output folder to save images to. If it doesn't exist the program will attempt to create it.
--overwrite: Allow overwriting of files. THIS IS DESTRUCTIVE.
--recursive, -r: If given a folder path, it will recurse into subdirectories instead of just grabbing top level files.
Note: If output folder is specified, the input folder's structure will be recreated within the output as necessary.
File Format Options:
--format, -f: Set the output format. Accepts jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff, dng, or preserve. Default: preserve
Note: Preserve will attempt to preserve the exact input extension, but RAW files will still be converted to DNG.
Format Specific Options:
--quality, -q: JPEG quality for output. Must be between 0 and 100. Default: 95
--compression, -c: PNG compression amount. Must be between 0 and 10. Default: 2
--bit-depth, -d: TIFF bit depth. Must be either 8 or 16. Default: 16
--tiff-compression: -tc: TIFF compression format. Must be "none", "lzw", or "zip".
Note: lzw is not allowed on 16-bit output and will be converted to zip.
Debug Options:
--showSettings: Shows the Autopilot settings for images before they are processed
--skipProcessing: Skips processing the image (e.g., if you just want to know the settings)
--verbose, -v: Print more log entries to console.
Settings Options:
Note: EXPERIMENTAL. The API for changing the processing settings is experimental and subject to change. After enabling an enhancement you may specify settings to override. Use --showSettings to see the names and auto suggested values for each setting.
--upscale: Turn on the Upscale enhancement. Pass enabled=false to turn it off instead.
--noise: Turn on the Remove Noise enhancement. Pass enabled=false to turn it off instead.
--sharpen: Turn on the Sharpen enhancement. Pass enabled=false to turn it off instead.
--lighting: Turn on the Adjust Lighting enhancement. Pass enabled=false to turn it off instead.
--color: Turn on the Balance Color enhancement. Pass enabled=false to turn it off instead.
Return values:
0 - Success
1 - Partial Success (e.g., some files failed)
-1 (255) - No valid files passed.
-2 (254) - Invalid log token. Open the app normally to login.
-3 (253) - An invalid argument was found.