This is a clone of the Better Mortgage landing page. The project was built to practice my Front-End web development skills by cloning a live web page from the internet and reproduce it as closely as I could.
This is a practice project for my Front-End web development skills. The task is to try and build a clone of an existing web page and get it as close to the original as I can. Here goes nothing ☺.
To reproduce the landing page of the website as closely as possible and implement all the UI designs from scratch if possible. Hence the tasks can be broken down into:
- Inspecting the page and downloading any resources needed
- Searching for any fonts and icons used on the page or any free alternatives on the internet
- Making sure the colors and animations looks as close to and smooth as the original
- Solution URL: Solution on Github
- Live Site URL: Live Site on Netlify
Break the web page into parts e.g. navbar, showcase (part with mobile phone card) etc. Then build each part as a React component each with it's own styling in a separate css file. Then combine all the parts into one web page. This way any component can be reused to make other web pages.
- ReactJS
- JSX: Html markup mixed in with javascript as per React Standards
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- ES6 Javascript syntax
How to use custom fonts in React by including them in a fonts directory and importing them on the top most css file.
@import url("./fonts/Graphik-Regular/style.css");
How to use css variables to control things like colors and fonts for the entire app from one file in React.
:root {
--primary-font: 'Graphik', sans-serif;
--secondary-font: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
--primary-color: #281741;
--secondary-color: #00bf92;
--tertiary-color: #6f6f6f;
- Website - Hillary Wando
- Codepen - @Wandonium
- Twitter - @hillarywando