
Cannot find package

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Using with node V14.12.0 and

{ "type": "module" } 

in package.json

A simple main.js conaining one line :

import jwksClient from "jwt-jwks-client";

produce this error :

Cannot find package '...\node_modules\jwt-jwks-client\'

It's probably besause the main attribute in package.json should be :

"main": "lib/index.js",

After update main attribute. I can use your module like this :

import JwtJwksClientPkg from "jwt-jwks-client";
const { default: JwksClient } = JwtJwksClientPkg;

const client = new JwksClient({
    secure: true, // Default value
    jwksUri: 'https://my-host/.well-known/jwks.json',
    rateLimit: 0, // Optional, num of request per min, 0 means no limit
    requestHeaders: {}, // Optional
    requestAgentOptions: {}, // Optional
    timeout: 30000, // Optional, default 30s


Thanks for catching this! Pushed a new patch for the fix!

Thx, could you publish this new version ?

Thx, could you publish this new version ?

My bad, I thought I had. Now it should be updated!