A four-wheel differential drive car in Gazebo with navigation, SLAM, and voice control
Ubuntu 16.04
git clone https://github.com/Wangbaiyue007/4-wheel-differential-car-ros.git
One necessary process before everything:
cd /carmodel_voice/libs/x64/
sudo cp libmsc.so /usr/lib/
This will make sure that the catkin_make works.
roslaunch carmodel_description 02-drive.launch
roslaunch carmodel_teleop carmodel_teleop_key.launch
Close all.
roslaunch carmodel_slam carmodel_slam.launch
roslaunch carmodel_teleop carmodel_teleop_key.launch
Drive the robot around and draw a map.
cd $(where you save your map)
rosrun map_server map_saver -f $(YOUR_MAP_NAME)
The map with YOUR_MAP_NAME will be saved as a .pgm and a .yaml file.
Close all.
roslaunch carmodel_nav fake_carmodel.launch
roslaunch carmodel_nav fake_amcl.launch
Or you can choose the saved map:
roslaunch carmodel_nav fake_amcl.launch map:=$(YOUR_MAP_NAME).yaml
Close all.
roslaunch carmodel_description 02-drive.launch
roslaunch carmodel_nav nav_mymap_demo.launch
Use the 2D nav arrow to navigate the robot in the turtlebot map.
Close all.
Notice that if your computer is 32-bit, replace x64 with x86.
roslaunch carmodel_description 02-drive.launch
rosrun carmodel_voice iat_publish
rosrun carmodel_voice voice_cmd
The valid command starts with "Robot", with the following operation: "forward", "back", "left", "right" or "stop", and do not contains "don't" or "not". For example, "Robot forward" will tell the robot to move forward.