
MakeGeneticMap with FATAL ERROR Marker # is duplicated

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi ,when i try to use CookHLA on a reference panel build by myself, MakeGeneticMap scripts will go wrong with FATAL ERROR Marker AA_C_-18_31347808_Rx is duplicated.
i check the .markers file it include marks :
AA_C_-18_31347808_R 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_x 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_Q 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_X 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_Rx 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_RQ 31347808 P A
AA_C_-18_31347808_RX 31347808 P A
it may be caused by "AA_C_-18_31347808_Rx 31347808 P A" and "AA_C_-18_31347808_RX 31347808 P A"
because it seem like Rx/RX make this error.
And some times error like this "Error: Duplicate ID 'chr6_31529929_C_T'. "
Do u have any suggestion?


Hi, Thank you for your interest in CookHLA.

I guess your expectation is right. I've experienced a very similar error before because of mach's case-insensitive manner.

Can you try removing the marker "AA_C_-18_31347808_X" and its related markers(ex. "AA_C_-18_31347808_RX") in your reference panel?

Not only the amino acid residue 'X' is somewhat rare but also genetic distance information of amino acid markers are not critical for HLA imputation.

Thank you for your reply.
Can you give some advice on removing the marker "AA_C_-18_31347808_X" and its related markers(ex. "AA_C_-18_31347808_RX") in my reference panel?
it will be some other duplicated marks and i use cat |grep -v "##" to remove from many files such as (*.{FRQ.frq,bgl.phased,markers},and i try to use ' plink --bfile *.{bed,bim,fam} --export vcf --out new' and then use cat |grep -v "##" to remove marks and plink to change vcf to *bed,bim,fam )
But when i use new file ,Mach go wrong with
Read ZERO reference haplotypes from test.subset.GCchange.haps"

So how to remove duplicated marks from reference panel?


Could you consider sending your reference panel with duplicated markers to me so that I can try to fix them myself? Maybe this way would be faster.

i send my reference panel to your gamil.hope there is some scripts or tools to solver this bug because others day if i try to build some other reference panel it may come again.


I sent the fixed reference panel by email on December 21, 2021. Did you get it well?

I have received your email. Sorry for the late reply. The problem has been solved, thank you very much