This project serves as a simple boilerplate to start building an isomorphic rendering application in React and Redux.
# Features- Async server-side rendering
- Hot reloading middleware
- Redux DevTools and Logging
- Redux Routing
- Reddit API example
- Counter example
- Todo example
- Static content example
- React.js
- React-router
- Webpack
- Express
- Redux
- Redux-DevTools
- Babel
- Material UI
In the project's directory, run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Then Visit
Production has Devtools, logging and hot reloading middleware removed and the scripts/css compressed.
In the project's directory, run the following commands:
$ npm run build
$ npm run start-prod
Then Visit
npm test
Look at /src/common/api/user.js
You need to put token into cookie with name 'token' and check it into file via axios request.
Based on
Theme by Material UI Lib