
difference between const eta_format_length and the real length sometime

Closed this issue · 2 comments

(on Windows and Linux)

If ProgessBarTime have one of its attribute > 10, the final length or the eta print at the end of each line is different than the const,
it result of a an issue for the carriage return (\r) :

  • the line is no longer clear,
  • and a new line appear (with the progressbar update).
    This happen until the format_eta length match the eta_format_length const

how did you want to solve this ?

  • make one extra 0 all time for seconds, minutes ?
  • or use the final format_eta.len instead of the const eta_format_length
  • or another solution that you have ?

(I can do that but just want to know how you want the progessbar will be)

Since I am quite out of touch with this, feel free to change it whatever you think is better.

The latest merge solve this "issue"