
fedwiki.org : any need for or possible purpose of?

almereyda opened this issue · 4 comments

Derived from Refactoring - next steps

I'm not opposed to fedwiki.org or any other name variation being only loosely related to fedwiki. If you were to run a hosting service by any such name then you would be in a service business. I would hope that your service would do well by our name. But your relationship with your users would not extend to the volunteers contributing to fedwiki repos.

I have to think further about this.

@WardCunningham So I have.

With that in mind I would be pleased to see quality services provided by others and especially others with an anti-monopolistic bent.

I completely understand what you mean by quality services. Providing fedwiki.org would not only mean setting it up, but keeping track of changes in the project and its community.

But what I believe is, that it could especially help in discussing meta-topics like the anti-monopolistic bent and social implications of federated knowledge production. Commenting systems feel a little more discussive(?) than solely federated wikis right now.

Also in my imagination it would help in freeing the GitHub issues from feature requests and more general discussions like this one. I really like what I see over at http://remotestorage.io/, similarily to what's been done at http://www.discourse.org/:

  • Discourse for general discussion, feature requests, support
  • GitHub for issues concerning the code
  • Website as a hub for directing users to a prerendered Docco, visually simple Installation instructions, Screenshots, ...

If the fedwiki.org site were to suggest a strong association with our github repos then I would rather see it devoted to content related to those repos. Perhaps *.wiki-plugin-method.fedwiki.org would be many sites related to the ongoing development of the Method plugin, for example.

This is where your idea steps in. As a farm's content is naturally open to anything, documentation would seem an appropriate thing in the first place. Additionally, an open *.public.fedwiki.org could serve as a free to use and regularly updated node farm to compliment fed.wiki.org.

Still, I admit to not have an actual understanding of the codes @paul90 has been refactoring so patiently in the last months.

In the end, I would not expect the developer community to invest time into this work. But I feel a strong need for a classical website presenting the project, despite of wiki's and GitHub's benefits.

What do you think?

@nrn and the others (ryan, jeff, craig, daniel, ...?), too.

The project would benefit from all that you suggest. I would be pleased to see it happen.

A small update here, as this issue popped up in a conversation between @rynomad and me, also concerning WIK DVCS:

I am currently looking into reasonable hosting (EU, independent) and wait for my funds to rise to pay for the domain. Once these conditions are reached, I will be happy to announce ... yeah, well, I leave the surprise.

Coming from fedwiki/wiki-client#74 :

(Maybe a separate subproject could capture all user-reported issues?)

I am about to start a federated wiki community initiative. It will include a simple landing page and knowledge base at http://federated.wiki + a community forum at http://socio.federated.wiki .

The Discourse is not set up properly, and I only have a simple Jade-Bootstrap template that I will build upon when I have time.

Gone live. Closing.