
Configuring a Federated Wiki Farm on OpenShift

coevolving opened this issue · 3 comments

Could someone please guide me on the extra steps to extend a federated wiki on OpenShift into a wiki farm?

I have successfully followed the instructions at https://github.com/paul90/wiki-openshift-quickstart to create a federated wiki at http://fed.s2t.org/ (which is actually http://fed-coevolving.rhcloud.com/ ).

At http://fed.wiki.org/view/host-a-site , there seems to be a clue that:
-- begin paste --
A farm accessible on the net will require adding records to a DNS server. Some DNS servers interpret wildcard domain names so that new wikis are created automatically on first reference.
-- end paste --

I can't figure out whether this means that I need to do something on the fed wiki site (OpenShift) or on the DNS server (Site5) ... or maybe both. My main hosting provider, Site5, seems to support wildcard domain names, says http://kb.site5.com/control/siteadmin/siteadmin-how-to-add-a-wild-card-dns-record/ .

My understanding is that when the wiki farm is implemented on fed.s2t.org, that I should be able to have a page like daviding.fed.s2t.org. Please correct me if I'm misinterpreting. Thanks.

Currently the OpenShift quickstart does not include the code to config federated wiki so that it starts in farm mode. While in theory this should be simple, I think I have spotted a problem in how the farm starts, it does not appear to pick-up the configuration correctly. So, will take a little investigation.

Once that is sorted, given the way OpenShift works, each of the alias will need to be manually created so that its proxy knows where to route requests. So, creating a new wiki within the farm requires a manual step.

@paul90 Thanks for the assessment. Since I'm initially looking as the Fed Wiki primarily as a pioneering demonstration, I'm going to move the CNAME from the collaborative domain to my personal domain, and set it up as an independent wiki.

I'll keep track on progress on the farm feature for OpenShift, and install another instance for collaboration, later. I expect that many of my collaborators won't be savvy in web technologies, and the farm will be useful some month down the road.

Farm support is now available in paul90/wiki-openshift-quickstart, at v0.2.3 v0.2.5