
Visibility of FedWiki organization

paul90 opened this issue · 3 comments

To a casual observer the Federated Wiki code would appear not to have changed for nearly six months. But, all is not as it seems.

Sometime ago we made a big change to the code for both the client, and the node server; splitting out the plug-ins into separate repositories, and a gem was created for the ruby server. All this was done in a newly created FedWiki organization.

Over in fedwiki/wiki-client#19 @WardCunningham makes the observation, and asks:

We've certainly cut the audience when we made the new repos. There must be something you can subscribe to that will alert you to activity.

Throwing that question out to this wider group.

As I look at https://github.com/fedwiki , the updates show dates that clearly say the code is evolving.

From a content perspective, any novice would go to http://fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors as a logical place to start. There's no mention there of the foundation code. Should there be? If not on the main page, the next logical places would be http://fed.wiki.org/how-to-wiki.html or http://fed.wiki.org/frequently-asked-questions.html .

On the one side, novices should appreciate that fedwiki is not a dead project. On the other hand, we don't necessarily want to scare off people who might be interested in contributing content, but not quite up to the intimidation of learning Github.

I've added a section called "How to Contribute" to the fed.wiki.org faq. wiki

For the 2014-06-25 video chat, we were playing with an Etherpad to figure out how it might be used in relation to a federated wiki (in addition to the usual weekly discussion). Digest is posted at http://fed.coevolving.com/view/welcome-visitors/view/digests-from-sfw-meetings/view/digest-2014-06-25 .

There are multiple ways to export from Etherpad. The Dokuwiki export uses asterisks ( * ) for bulleted lists, that pasting into fed wiki runs together all of the bullets rather than putting them on separate lines. The HTML export uses the break tag instead of paragraph tag, so pasting that into fed wiki gives a single paragraph rather than multiple paragraphs. That isn't so conducive to moving small sections of text out.