
FedWiki on ChromeOS Version 64

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am noticing FedWiki UI updates are lagging after Chrome OS Version 64. The Yellow border remains after changes are made and saved (as view from another machine, my Mac).

My machine is 64.0.3282.122 (Official Build) beta (64-bit). This includes Spectra and Meltdown protection. https://chromeunboxed.com/news/chrome-64-site-muting-spectre-chrome-spectre-chrome-patch-hdr-windows.

Paul had mentioned Chrome caches updates. I am wondering if Chromium is caching more updates for some reason. Or maybe this issue is limited to my machine and hopefully will go away after another ChromeOS update.
screenshot 2018-01-29 at 3 10 38 pm

Same page viewd from a Mac at same time, correctly reflects changes made.
