
return wiki to 95% service

WardCunningham opened this issue ยท 4 comments

We'll develop a checklist here for restoring wiki serving static json to a client-side rendering engine. We'll be adding more as we launch this project.

  • paragraph with emphasis, eg
  • internal and external links
  • bullet lists and their variations
  • plugin to existing routes with 302 redirects
  • rehosting from any static site without reconfiguration

For the plugin to existing routes with 301 redirects, I suppose the missing search is already known?

Tried clicking http:wiki?search=CategoryWiki on http://c2.com/wiki/remodel/?CategoryWiki without result.

@almereyda I've postponed search until #2. Title search will be easy because I'm loading a full list of titles. Word search is more data intensive probably requiring a db server side.

We reopened wiki sans some important services like search and about a 1000 old pages with character encoding problems. We've relocated to wiki.c2.com but will not permently redirect there until we have these and seo issues worked out.

I offer as celebration this old but still useful pattern along with a decade of refinements by some of wiki's most influential contributors. Click either link.

http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?SystemOfNames redirects to โ‡’

As I am now overcome with nostalgia I will also acknowledge those who attended wiki's 21st birthday party six months ago. Read the full story.

