Make to use SC:Remasterd Graphics
yaaaaa opened this issue · 6 comments
Potenially doable. I've been looking into this a bit actually. The remastered graphics
and such use 'casc' storage, which is kinda like a git+mpq combo. There are libraries
which can 'extract' it, but then the gfx files are different, *.ddx.grp or sommat. Basically
a directx specific gfx format in a grp instead of bmp/png. Would require a new 'startool'
at the very least.
So, I've gotten a bit of free time and more programming experience under my belt, and StarCraft/BroodWar is
now available free, with an option to upgrade to remastered, making it a much more accesible way to obtain
the game assets than hoping your old cd works or shady torrents.
Was hoping someone who has this 'as working' as is currently possible could point me in the right direction
for setting up with the original game disks.
i think something like this way is right:
OpenRA/OpenRA#18239 (comment)
"Adding new plumbing to detect and read assets (starting with the legacy versions, later the remastered) without copying them to the support directory."
Read assets dirrectly from installed and paid Battlenet installations of SC:Remaster
I don't suppose you have a 'working' stargus setup atm? If you do, you may be able to help me out a bit.
If you know how to use irc, please hop on to freenode and find me there, dms/prvmsg is fine :)
I have working 2.4.1 version with setup installer exe, and paid working SC:Remastered in
If it may help, then I already send chat request in irc
maybe this can help