
The value of the laser tail is not zero

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Does anyone know why the value of the laser tail is not zero?

Hey @2018-2025,

This is an expected numerical artefact using the EPOCH field-solver method. I wouldn't expect the field to drop exactly to zero after the pulse.

More details on one of the field-solver implementations is given here.

Hope this helps,


这是使用 EPOCH 场求解器方法得到的预期数值结果。我不认为脉冲后磁场会完全降至零。


希望这有帮助, 斯图尔特

Thank you for your help!

Hey @2018-2025,

This is an expected numerical artefact using the EPOCH field-solver method. I wouldn't expect the field to drop exactly to zero after the pulse.

More details on one of the field-solver implementations is given here.

Hope this helps, Stuart

Sir, I wonder if there is any way to drop exactly to zero after the pulse, because it will influence my diagnosis.

There is no method I am aware of for reducing these fields to exactly zero.

Particle-in-cell codes are generally quite noisy. If your diagnostics are sensitive to small numerical artefacts, I don't think the particle-in-cell method would be appropriate.

If you need to use a particle-in-cell code, I think it would be easier to modify your diagnostics instead of trying to remove the field noise.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful,