
First simulation with EPOCH

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear All member,
I am newbine using epoch. Now I am trying to run first simulation with Epoch. I have successfully installed Epoch. I am running first Epoch via "Quick start guide".

  • step 1: I copy and change the name "ionisaltion.deck" in epoch1d/example_deck folder to "input.deck"
  • step2: I move to dictionary to epoch1d: cd epoch/epoch1d
  • step3: I type the command " mpirun -np 4 ./bin/epoch1d <<</home/thanh/epoch/epoch1d/example_decks

the my result running


-step4: I saw three new files (0000.sdf, deck.status, normal.visit) appears in example_deck folder.

I want to ask you, my simulation do finish yet?

if yes, how to saw the my result. now I am using the "visit" software to visulize.

I was trying to open "visit"

  • step 1: I choose file/open the 0000.sdf file like the following picture and click "ok"

  • I got the error " Visit could not read from the file "0000.sdf"

one more thing when I read the userguide of epoch. the result of epoch will be so many sdf file like picture. But my result they are just have only one a sdf file (0000.sdf).

I know my question maybe very basic. I hope you can help me to run for first simulation in EPOCH.

thank you for any helps!

I know some other developers have managed to get EPOCH running on Visit, but I've never managed it myself unfortunately. Most users I know use MATLAB or Python to read SDF files - MATLAB uses the GetDataSDF function in SDF/Matlab, and Python can be setup according to the guide on this page.

I'll keep the issue open for now in case any Visit users would like to comment further.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful,

Thank you for your reply!
the fist what is the status of my first simulation by EPOCH. it is successful or not? Because I just saw a one SDF file (0000.sdf). it take about 0.02 second to run.

If you're getting SDF files, it probably ran successfully. The files in example_deck are mainly there to demonstrate input-deck syntax, they're not proper simulations. If you want to learn more about EPOCH, I think it would be better to go through the worked examples on particle loading, laser injection and ionisation. The Ionisation demos are a bit more technical, but they're worth reading if you want to simulate ionisation.

Hope this helps,

I'm going to mark this issue as closed for now, but feel free to re-open if you run into more problems.
