
Consolidate schema between weeks

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Different weeks have different numbers of notebook files. Some have everything in one file, others split out exercises, and their answers. Also, most README files for each week are empty, and some weeks have other collateral python files.

All weeks should probably have the same schema for consistency. This could look like:

  • Each week's notes and exercises are all in one notebook, with the exercises at the bottom
  • A separate notebook containing sample answers for the exercises, distributed the next week
  • No README file per week, instead possibly a table of contents in the notebook
  • Minimise additional python/data files wherever possible

Additionally, promotional material/slides could be tracked in the repository as well

Resolution from second meeting:

  • One notebook containing both lecture notes and exercises
  • Additional notebook containing exercise solutions, to be distributed later
  • Additional python files to be minimised, but required in some places, e.g. when using command line arguments

New schema adopted for the week:

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3 (already completed last year)
  • Week 4 (already completed last year)
  • Week 5
  • Week 6