
Issue with package_data parameter in setup.py causing installation error

pronoobe opened this issue · 5 comments

I've encountered an issue during installation where the package_data parameter in the setup.py file is causing an error. It appears that the description in the dictionary should not be an absolute path but should be a list of strings. When I modified it to an arbitrary list of strings, the installation proceeded without any errors.

This is the relevant part of the setup.py file that needs to be addressed:

# Before modification
   package_data  = {
"physo": ["/benchmark/FeynmanDataset/*.csv"]

# After modification
    'my_module': ['111', '222'],

Please consider making this adjustment to ensure smooth installations. Thank you!

Hi @pronoobe,

I cannot reproduce this error on my Linux/OSX computers.
My guess is that this is error is due to the file path format which uses backslashes (windows) instead of slashes (linux/OSX).

I want to fully support windows, could you please answer these questions to help me ?

First can you confirm that you are running on windows ?

I have just updated the main branch with a fix that should make setup.py work on Windows too.
From the repository root, can you pull the latest version with:

git pull

Then can you to uninstall physo with:

conda deactivate
conda env remove -n PhySO

And then re-install it with the instructions here: https://physo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/r_installation.html

And then run the tests to check if everything works fine:

python -m unittest discover -p "*UnitTest.py"

Please tell me if this helped !

Also please do not hesitate to come forward with issues happening on Windows so I can fix them.


It looks like something went wrong with the encoding of the characters in your message, can you elaborate ?

Hi @pronoobe,

Please let me know if this fixed your issue so I can close this thread.

Hi @pronoobe,

I will close this thread now but feel free to re-open if you need further assistance !
Cheers !