
Thanks for the response, @xinyue-luna.

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Thanks for the response, @xinyue-luna.

freq actually is ignored in get_load(), and only market is used to decide if to return dam or fivemin data. Unless user specify market=c.MARKET_CHOICES.dam, market will be set to fivemin.

So, is another way of stating this, "Only fivemin market (and frequency) are supported for historical load data?" Because the day-ahead market doesn't make sense for historical data, right?

When I request the forecast data with:

c = client_factory('CAISO')
now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
start_at = now + timedelta(hours=1)
end_at = now + timedelta(hours=10)
results = c.get_load(start_at=start_at, end_at=end_at, market=c.MARKET_CHOICES.dam)

The day-ahead market freq is 1hr. So really, it doesn't seem like there's an option at all. Historical is always 5min and forecast is always 1hr. Am I understanding this correctly?

If so:

  • Why even allow end-users to pass in market or freq arguments? There's only one valid market for historical data and one valid market for forecast data.
  • Does the same hold true for get_lmp(...)? As @vlepore clarified, the original issue arose when requesting historical get_lmp(...) data.
  • Can we work on a list of supported markets / frequencies for CAISO for its implementation of each BaseClient method? We should log warning messages if end-users pass unsupported combinations.

Originally posted by @r24mille in #160 (comment)

information = client_factory('CAISO')
data_generated = information.get_generation(latest=True)
it is returning me empty list