
Missing Documentation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There isn't much in the readme and project does not have a real documentation.

I am wondering how to setup sandboxing for my scripts:

  • how do I avoid stack overflows? (do function calls causes to stack to grow? is it possible to overflow it by recursion?)
  • how do I limit memory usage?

And also how to interop with .NET, whether it is possible in LUA mode too or only in WattleScript?

agree, there is nothing about Wattle language - without LUA mode. I'm interested in, because there isn't many script solutions for .NET. Moonsharp seems dead.

@MirKml Interesting alternative is scripting in c# (or generally in any language) then compile it to WASM in runtime (there is wasm-time port for dotnet). wasm-time allows you to run script in completely isolated environment and can interop with the host.