Lab 12: Mapset Market

In this lab, you will learn how to:

  • use sets
  • use maps

You will write a series of functions related to a free market (separated into 2 parts), then test them using the GoogleTest framework.

File structure

  • Makefile - Configuration for make.
  • market.cpp - Your code goes here.
  • market_test.cpp - Your tests go here.
  • market.h - Header file for market.cpp, already written for you.
  • googletest/ - Contains code for the GoogleTest framework.

Do not change any files other than market.cpp and market_test.cpp!

Make commands

You have the same make commands (format, test, all, clean) as usual except there is no make build command. Don't use g++.

Program specifications

The admin set

set<string> admins

This is a set of strings containing the names of market admins - those who are authorized to call the Part 1 functions and modify the catalog.

Eg. {"Alice", "Bob"} means Alice and Bob are admins.

The catalog

map<string, int> catalog

This is a map of strings to ints (keys are strings and values are ints) that represents available items in the market and their associated price.

Eg. {{"tuna", 7}, {"tofu", 4}} means tuna sells for $7 and tofu sells for $4 on the market.

Part 1

1.1 is_admin()

bool is_admin(
  const set<string>& admins,
  const string& user

Given the admin set and a user, return whether the user is an admin. Examples can be found in TEST(MarketTest, IsAdmin) which has already been written for you.

TODO: Complete the implementation for is_admin().

1.2 upsert_item() and remove_item()

bool upsert_item(
  const set<string>& admins,
  const string& user,
  const string& item,
  int price,
  map<string, int>& catalog

Insert an item or update its price in the catalog.

  • The user needs to be an admin. If not, return false.
  • The price needs to be positive. If not, return false.
  • If the item is already in the catalog, update its price in the catalog and return true.
  • Otherwise, insert it into the catalog with its price and return true.


set<string> admins = {"Alice"};
map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 3}};
upsert_item(admins, "Bob", "fish", 9, catalog); // false, Bob is not an admin
upsert_item(admins, "Alice", "fish", 9, catalog); // true, fish inserted
// now catalog should have value {{"tofu", 3}, {"fish", 9}}

bool remove_item(
  const set<string>& admins,
  const string& user,
  const string& item,
  map<string, int>& catalog

Remove an item and its price from the catalog.

  • The user needs to be an admin. If not, return false.
  • The item needs to be in the catalog already. If not, return false.
  • Erase the key-value pair that represents the item and its price from the catalog, then return true.


set<string> admins = {"Alice"};
map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 3}};
remove_item(admins, "Alice", "raisin", catalog); // false, raisin is not in the catalog
remove_item(admins, "Alice", "tofu", catalog); // true, tofu removed
// now catalog should have value {}

TODO: Complete the test case in TEST(MarketTest, UpsertRemoveItem).

  • Fill in the admin set.
  • Fill in the catalog's starting state.
  • Call upsert_item() and remove_item() at least 4 times each.
  • Wrap each call in EXPECT_FALSE or EXPECT_TRUE.
  • Fill the catalog's ending state.

TODO: Complete the implementation for upsert_item().

TODO: Complete the implementation for remove_item().

1.3 apply_sale()

bool apply_sale(
  const set<string>& admins,
  const string& user,
  int percentage,
  map<string, int>& catalog

Apply a percentage discount to all items in the catalog.

  • The user needs to be an admin. If not, return false.
  • The percentage needs to be between 1 and 99 (inclusive). If not, return false.
  • Apply the discounts in the catalog directly, then return true.
  • If a price would go below 1, set it to 1 instead.


set<string> admins = {"Alice"};
map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 1}, {"raisin", 10}};
apply_sale(admins, "Alice", 100, catalog); // false, can't apply a 100% discount
apply_sale(admins, "Alice", 20, catalog); // true, discounts applied
// now catalog should have value {{"tofu", 1}, {"raisin", 8}}
// 20% discount on $1 would be $0, so we set it to $1.
// 20% discount on $10 would be $8.

TODO: Complete the test case in TEST(MarketTest, ApplySale).

  • Fill in the admin set.
  • Fill in the catalog's starting state.
  • Call apply_sale() at least 4 times.
  • Wrap each call in EXPECT_FALSE or EXPECT_TRUE.
  • Fill the catalog's ending state.

TODO: Complete the implementation for apply_sale().

Part 2

2.1 sell()

vector<string> sell(
  const map<string, int>& catalog,
  const vector<string>& list,
  int& wallet

Sell a list of items according to the catalog prices.

  • An item can only be sold if it has an entry in the catalog.
  • Update the wallet amount depending on items sold.
  • Return the leftover items that couldn't be sold, in order.


map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 1}, {"raisin", 10}};
int wallet = 20; // $20 at the start
vector<string> leftovers = sell(catalog, {"tofu", "raisin", "fish", "tofu", "pie"}, wallet);
// leftovers should have value {"fish", "pie"} since they're not in the catalog
// now wallet should have value 20 + 1 + 10 + 1 = 32

TODO: Complete the test case in TEST(MarketTest, Sell).

  • Fill in the catalog.
  • Write at least 2 test cases. For each:
    • Fill in a starting wallet amount.
    • Fill in the items to sell.
    • Fill in the expected leftover items, in the correct order.
    • Fill in the expected wallet amount after the sale.

TODO: Complete the implementation for sell().

2.2 buy()

vector<string> buy(
  const map<string, int>& catalog,
  const vector<string>& list,
  int& wallet

Buy a list of items according to the catalog prices.

  • An item can be purchased if it has a price in the catalog.
  • If the wallet can't afford all the items that can be purchased, buy nothing.
  • Update the wallet amount depending on items purchased.
  • Return the items purchased, in order.


map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 1}, {"raisin", 10}};
int wallet = 20; // $20 at the start
vector<string> purchase = buy(catalog, {"raisin", "tofu", "raisin"}, wallet);
// purchase should have value {} since total cost = 10 + 1 + 10 = 21 > 20
// wallet should still have value 20
purchase = buy(catalog, {"fish", "tofu", "raisin"}, wallet);
// purchase should have value {"tofu", "raisin"}
// now wallet should have value 20 - (1 + 10) = 9

TODO: Complete the test case in TEST(MarketTest, Buy).

  • Fill in the catalog.
  • Write at least 2 test cases. For each:
    • Fill in a starting wallet amount.
    • Fill in the items to buy.
    • Fill in the expected purchased items, in the correct order.
    • Fill in the expected wallet amount after the purchase.

TODO: Complete the implementation for buy().

2.3 hoard()

int hoard(
  const map<string, int>& catalog,
  int& wallet

Buy the most amount of items possible given the catalog prices.

  • If there's a tie for the most amount of items purchased, do so while spending the least.
  • Update the wallet amount depending on items purchased.
  • Return the number of items purchased.
map<string, int> catalog = {{"tofu", 6}, {"raisin", 7}};
int wallet = 15; // $15 at the start
int amount_purchased = hoard(catalog, wallet); // can buy a maximum of 2 items
// now wallet should have value 15 - (2 * 6) = 3

TODO: Complete the test case in TEST(MarketTest, Hoard).

  • Write at least 2 test cases. For each:
    • Fill in the catalog.
    • Fill in a starting wallet amount.
    • Fill in the expected amount of items purchased.
    • Fill in the expected wallet amount after the purchase.

TODO: Complete the implementation for hoard().


  • (60 points) Programming
    • (1 points) TODO comment check
    • (1 points) Style check
    • (48 points) Autograder test cases for market.cpp
    • (10 points) Good test cases in market_test.cpp
  • (40 points) Written assignment – see Gradescope for point breakdowns

Due Date

  • Section A: November 23, 11:59pm
  • Section B: November 25, 11:59pm

See for all due dates.